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Inquiry on the Payment of Honoraria for Outsourced Resource Speakers

Inquiry on the Payment of Honoraria for Outsourced Resource Speakers

by Joey Villarosa -
Number of replies: 0

Good day, we have questions regarding the payment of honoraria to outsourced speakers and other questions regarding the training:

  1. We have the max. and min. honoraria but How will we determine the final honoraria?
  2. If we have 60 participants, do we increase the honoraria by (final honoraria amount divided by 50 times 10)?
  3. What is the procedure for grant of honoraria? Should we include the honoraria in the PPMP?
  4. Who decides the resource speaker?
  5. Who and how are the topics to be discussed decided?

We hope that you can help us with our inquiry.

Thank you for your time and have a great day.