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Documentary Requirements for Negotiated Procurement - Community Participation.

Documentary Requirements for Negotiated Procurement - Community Participation.

by Bea Trexie Perez -
Number of replies: 0

Good day, everyone!

I would like to ask for clarification, according to the GPPB Resolution 18-2020, Annex "A", 6. Procurement Procedure, the legal requirements for organized community or social groups are:

(1) Certificate of registration from DTI, SEC, CDA, DA.. etc. and

(b) Sworn affidavit executed by the head/authorized representative.

No PhilGEPs registration is indicated, however, there is a posting requirement of the RFQ and the Notice of Award in the PhilGEPS. So, is PhilGEPS registration a requirement?

BIR Registration is not a requirement but for CSGs who participated in government procurement needs to submit their latest Income Tax Return. So, is BIR Registration is a requirement?

So. Are the following requirements required under NP-CP?

(a) Business Permit/Mayor's Permit

(b) BIR Registration

(c) PhilGEPS Registration