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Completion requirements

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Consulting Services

Refer to services for infrastructure projects and other types of projects or activities of the GoP requiring adequate external technical and professional expertise that are beyond the capability and/or capacity of the GoP to undertake such as, but not limited to: (i) advisory and review services; (ii) pre- investment or feasibility studies; (iii) design; (iv) construction supervision; (v) management and related services; and (vi) other technical services or special studies.


Domestic Bidder

Refers to any person or entity offering unmanufactured articles, materials or supplies of the growth or production of the Philippines, or manufactured articles, materials, or supplies manufactured or to be manufactured in the Philippines substantially from articles, materials, or supplies of the growth, production, or manufacture, as the case may be, of the Philippines.

Domestic Entity

Refers to an individual or a sole proprietor who is a citizen of the Philippines or a partnership, corporation, cooperative, or association duly organized under the laws of the Philippines and of which at least seventy five percent (75%) of the interest or outstanding capital stock belongs to citizens of the Philippines, habitually established in business and habitually engaged in the manufacture or sale of the merchandise covered by his bid, and the business has been in existence for at
least five (5) consecutive years prior to the advertisement and/or posting of the Invitation to Bid.


Executive Agreements

Refer to International Agreements except that they do not require legislative ratification. 

Expendable Supplies

Refer to articles which are normally consumed in use within one (1) year or converted in the process of manufacture or construction, or those having a life expectancy of more than one (1) year but which shall have decreased substantially in value after being put to use for only one (1) year (e.g., medicines, stationery, fuel, and spare parts).


Foreign Bid

Refers to any offer of articles, materials or supplies not manufactured or not to be manufactured in the Philippines, substantially from articles, materials, or supplies of the growth, production, or manufacture, as the case may be, of the Philippines.

Foreign Grants

Refer to grants with no repayment obligations and are provided in monetary form, goods, works, and consultancy services, among others. 

Foreign Loans

Refer to loans, credits, and indebtedness with private foreign banks or with foreign governments, agencies, or instrumentalities of such foreign governments, foreign financial institutions, or other international organizations with whom, or belonging to countries with which, the Philippines has diplomatic relations, as may be necessary and upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon, to enable the GoP to finance, either directly or through any government office, agency or instrumentality or any government-owned and controlled corporation, industrial, agricultural or other economic development purposes or projects authorized by law. 

Foreign-funded Procurement

Refers to the acquisition of goods, consulting services, and the contracting for infrastructure projects by the GoP which are wholly or partly funded by Foreign Loans or Grants pursuant to a Treaty or International or Executive Agreement. For purposes of, and throughout this IRR, the term “foreign funded procurement” shall have the same meaning as and shall be used interchangeably with “foreign-funded projects” or “foreign-assisted projects.”

Framework Agreement

Refers to a written agreement between a procuring entity and a supplier or service provider that identifies the terms and conditions, under which specific purchases, otherwise known as “Call-Offs,” are made for the duration of the agreement. It is in the nature of an option contract between the procuring entity and the bidder(s) granting the procuring entity the option to either place an order for any of the goods or services identified in the Framework Agreement List or not buy at all, within a minimum period of one (1) year to a maximum period of three (3) years. (GPPB Resolution No. 27-2019)

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